Press the Play button in the Scores window, or choose New Game from the File Menu. The Game window will be brought to the front and Golf will deal the cards into the tableau.
It is easy to play Golf. You move cards from the tableau by dragging them with the mouse. Position the mouse pointer on the card you wish to move, press and hold the mouse button, and move the pointer to the destination. This will "drag" a gray outline of the card. When this outline touches a legal destination, the destination will be highlited. Release the mouse button when the highlight appears and the card you "picked up" will move to the destination.
As a shortcut, you may double-click on a card to move it to the destination.
To turn up the next card in the deck, position the mouse pointer on it and click once.
Golf opens two windows initially: the Game window, which contains the tableau and the deck; and the Scores window, which is a dialog window used to set the number of players and their names and to choose the next player.
The Scores window is the front window. Use the check boxes to designate the number of players in the game, and type their names in the adjacent edit text boxes. Select the next player using the radio buttons. To start the game, press the Play or Replay button. The Play button will shuffle the deck before dealing the cards; Replay allows you (or a friend) to play another game using the same sequence of cards. You may close the Scores window by turning off "Show Score" in the Options Menu.
You may also open Help windows by selecting Help topics from the Help Menu, and Desk Accessory windows by activating Desk Accessories from the Apple Menu. Click in the window's close box to close a Help window.
Remember, these are all real MacIntosh windows: you can move them around on the screen or reorder them by bringing different windows to the front. The Game window normally fills the screen, so when you bring it to the front it covers any other windows you have open (such as the Scores window). You can resize the Game window by clicking the mouse in the lower right-hand corner and dragging.
The Apple Menu contains the usual "About Golf╔" selection, plus the desk accessories in your System.
The File Menu contains five selections: New Game, New╔, Open╔, Close, and Quit. When you have enabled Show Score, choosing New Game to end a game also brings the Scores window to the front. Press the Play button, or choose New Game once more, to start the next game.
New╔ creates a new ╥deck╙, a document which contains your option settings, player names and face card designs. You can use a deck by choosing the Open╔ menu selection, or by opening it from the Finder, which will start up Golf. Choose Close to close the current deck and return to the built-in deck.
The Edit Menu allows you to Undo the last move you made in the game. It also includes the usual Cut, Copy and Paste functions which may be useful with some Desk Accessories.
The Options Menu governs the game options: Show Score and Sound On. With later versions of the System file, the Red Suits and Card Backs menus appear as hierarchical menus on the Options Menu.
When Show Score is selected (default), the Scores window is visible (and brought to the front at the end of each game), and your score appears in the Game window once you turn up the last card in the deck.
When Sound On is selected (default), Golf will produce sound effects at the start of each game and whenever you win a game.
The Help Menu allows you to open Help windows for explanations of Rules or Play. You are now reading the text describing Play.
The Red Suits menu allows you to choose any of the standard Macintosh colors for display of the Hearts and Diamonds ("red") suit symbols. If you do not have a color display, choose "Grey" to help you distinguish between red and black suits.
The Card Backs menu allows you to choose any of the standard Macintosh colors for the card back pattern.